By: Revanche

Almost an update

March 1, 2010

Lights have been dimmed in my corner of the ‘net lately.  There are a number of possible changes that I’m not at liberty to discuss yet so I’ve mostly just been toiling away at my projects.

3 Responses to “Almost an update”

  1. I didn’t really like bridesmaid post. The post itself wasn’t so bad, but the comments were kind of awful. The bride isn’t trying to destroy your financial life – she’s trying to show you that you matter (uh, usually)!

    I just remember when Chad’s sister asked me to be in her wedding. It was really touching, and I loved that she made me feel like we were already sisters. For me, that would have been worth any amount of money.

  2. Shawanda says:

    Thanks for linking to my post! For me, it’d be really difficult to stretch myself financially to go some place awful (or uninteresting), but Greece…I’d probably try to make room in the budget if at all possible. It looks so beautiful.

  3. Revanche says:

    @paranoidasteroid: I think people take it personally when the bride becomes really demanding. It’s an honor that turns into a mess.

    For example, back in college, a good work friend asked 3 of us at the job to be her ‘maids. We all had a good idea of what everyone made, and we all knew that we had tight budgets. She then went out and insisted on picking out our dresses and picked $300 dresses. BEFORE alterations. That we’d have to pay for. We were broke college students and she had zero empathy that it would be budget breaking to purchase the dresses because as she said, we had a few months to save.

    I’d never start out by being upset when asked to participate in a wedding but I don’t appreciate that kind of situation at all.

    I suspect that more people have wedding burnout than anything else. At least, I hope that’s the case.

    @Shawanda: It does! And already, 55 people have RSVPed! Bride’s got some wealthy friends. And of course a group of those are family.

    But I’m foreseeing a very tight budget this year, I’m not sure that it’s in the cards for me.

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