By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: It’s a Bad World Edition

June 4, 2014


First: I stand with Brian.

AKA Lazy Man and Money. He stood up against MLM scams, similar to that which my family has been scorned for falling for into thanks to my degenerate sibling fifteen years ago, and I’ve always respected him for his diligence, research and resolve. Now he’s been outed, and is being sued publicly for his blogging and threatened:

We have a multiplicity of methods to carry out these ends, all of them pre-meditated, practiced and perfected, 100% effective, and 100% undetectable. We do not operate with the crudeness of the Cartel. Various illnesses, degenerative and infectious diseases, and accidents causing varying degrees physical harm and disfiguration are our preferred methods of action. Our methods of administration are both innovative and infallible. You will never be able to predict where or when our next target will be acquired. Time is of no consequence to us, once the plan is underway. You will simply be put on “the schedule.”

This is beyond not ok and I hope you’ll all support Brian in his fight against this ridiculous company, their lawsuit, and utterly inappropriate tactics.

Second: it’s been a hell of a few weeks for society and considering the state of the world. Not that I don’t know this is the way it is but that people are still surprised or denying that this is what it is and that it needs to change.

Third: Dad emailed me the recipe to an old comfort food recipe, a tofu and chives soup, that my mom used to make frequently during my childhood. It’s a huge reminder how hard literacy can be when you didn’t just naturally absorb it along like you learn how to walk as a baby – I forget that language isn’t that easy because I learned to read practically before I could speak. Why, you ask? Because he emails in different languages. Frak.


I’ve said before that if I’m damned if I do, and damned if I don’t, I’ll take being damned with the money, but yes, I was being a little flip. I’m not foolish enough to think that means that I’ve somehow overcome the inherent sexism in the workplace when it comes to asking for raises. I haven’t. So this guide for employers is a start 🙂


Limited though our wee tiny school libraries were in elementary school, I still had access to books by Amy Tan, among all the Encyclopedia Brown and Charlie and the Chocolate Factorys, and I wonder how much that affected my love of reading and feeling of place in society: I never actually thought about diversity in books simply because in public libraries and assigned reading lists, diversity existed, despite growing up as one of the two Asians in my grade, and one of three people of color for most of early childhood. This Young Adult books blog is a great resource to expand reading horizons further.  (hattip Nicole&Maggie)

In the wake of the horrible stabbings/shootings in UCSB and the stomach-turning racism/misogyny displayed, it’s been difficult to speak thoughtfully about it. ReAppropriate has some very interesting things to say about the less-discussed Asian culture of masculinity in an American world.

Cloud does a great (though also stomach turning when you read all of them and think about it) roundup.


@SeriousPony posts the most gorgeous Icelandic pony photos. Like so:

And like so:

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: It’s a Bad World Edition”

  1. Jenn says:

    Thanks for the link!!!

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Automattic’s process is fascinating! I do wonder about the logistics (obviously difficult to do a trial like that if already employed fulltime.

    The Asian American one was a gem – thanks for sharing. I have avoided coverage of the incident specifics so I learned a ton from that, but I didn’t mind learning these facts in particular as they didn’t feel gratuitous.
    NZ Muse recently posted…Winter is coming…. Dreaming of a tropical birthday getawayMy Profile

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