By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Unfortunate typos edition

June 11, 2014


It’s so awkward when you get one letter wrong, or lose one letter

boiling crab


What’s your work style? from @eemusings

Last Navajo Code Talker and former US Marine, Chester Nez, dies at 93. This is just an incredible story, not least because after treating the Navajo like pure crap (as we seem to have a bad history of doing with marginalized groups ….), he and his people still put themselves at the service of a country that failed them in so many ways. I knew that the Navajo code was instrumental in the war but I had no idea that it remained the only code never to be broken. Amazing. More on the Navajo Code Talkers.

Do you AirBnB? I used them once last year, a bit hesitantly, but it worked out really well for us. I was reluctant to take the risk because of the inherent worry I tend to have when staying in any stranger’s home (safety, first and foremost), and because of the kind of protections I was pretty sure we didn’t have as AirBnB renters that we might have as customers at a hotel.  My first experience was great but Medium’s The Case Against Sharing articulates some very valid concerns.


I loved finding this blog about travel+Italy.

PiC’s contribution: You can commission a toy based on your kid’s drawing.


Though nothing like a poet, and not interested in poetry, I always loved the Maya Angelou writings I did encounter. I hadn’t read this poem before but it’s wonderful. Hattip @eemusing for sharing the link.

Not All Men, But Far Too Many hattip @ruckawriter

A surprisingly thoughtful GQ piece interviewing 50 Cent as a life coach. I’m not one for celebrity stuff but this was both an interesting insight and some great relationship advice from an unanticipated source.

People keep asking why I help my sibling even though he clearly doesn’t want it.  Before, he didn’t really deserve it so I refused to. He’s ill now, and you don’t just abandon family if you can help it. This story of the Capozziello twins really hits home for me: if he were physically ill, and needed that much support, would people be so quick to advise abandonment? I don’t feel guilty for being the healthy one (having plenty of health issues myself) but I do wonder where it all went wrong for him, at times.

Ash Beckham on coming out of the closet, and having hard conversations. I have many closets. I have the chronic illness one, I have the Sibling-Mooch-turned-Mental-Illness one, I have the financial security one. Several more that I can’t even talk about here yet. And I may always choose to keep some of those doors shut to some people. I loved this talk.

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