By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love:

October 1, 2014



Neither a lender nor borrower be still holds for me, or does again, now that I’ve learnt my lessons time and again about trusting family and lending to them. But as Mutant SuperModel so eloquently says, giving in the true spirit of giving can be something that is valued and cherished by the recipient. I might not have experienced that as a giver but I have been on the receiving end of very thoughtful gifts and agree with her wholeheartedly.

No Nonsense LL on rental income as replacement/retirement income. Must ponder how the assumptions here translate for us.

Valeria Souza on social class and money.


I laughed over Scalzi’s tweets but here they are in blog form. No kidding, folks, telling us that you won’t date us because we’d like to not be treated like crap? That’s doing us a favor. That’s VERY much a situation of, when people tell you who they are? Believe them.

There’s hope for Ruby yet!Ā  VH (Funny about Money) has been working hard at Ruby Repatriation; wish her luck!


Neil Gaiman on Terry Pratchett in the Guardian.

“No screens at meal time” we call this. And I shouldn’t have thought it was so revolutionary it needed a hashtag. The first time I experienced people being on their phones during a meal time get together was with bloggers! šŸ™‚

An interview on Fast Company with Anthony Bourdain on cable news: he’s about the only thing I find palatable about CNN these days. (Thanks to Jonathan @ My Money Blog for the link!)

Insight into Cotard’s Delusion.

The IOC adds an anti-discrimination clause for host cities.

I actually knew the gist of this story before but don’t think I’ve ever seen it performed. Pretty hilarious…

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love:”

  1. Thank you for the love. Scalzi’s tweetfest was genius!

  2. Thanks for the shout out to my Blog!!!
    No Nonsense Landlord recently posted…Should You Rent or Buy a Home?My Profile

  3. William F*cking Shatner is the BEST thing I’ve seen in weeks. XD
    Best story ever!
    The Asian Pear recently posted…Month in Review: September 2014My Profile

  4. Hey! Thanks for the link! For some reason my site isn’t registering pingbacks so didn’t spot this till just now. šŸ˜€
    Funny about Money recently posted…A Historic Moment in Gasoline Pricing?My Profile

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