By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: RIP Terry Pratchett

March 20, 2015


Why Terry Pratchett’s writing resonated

Death meets Sir Terry

Terry Pratchett’s world examined our own


Do your own thing

Cadaver dogs


Rescued pitbull puppy!

lure an owl with a strawberry

Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark for a little kid


Hiring differently

When languages die

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a sad few weeks losing Nimoy and Pratchett. Double dose of cute is needed.

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: RIP Terry Pratchett”

  1. Abigail says:

    I love Pratchett because he held a (fun house) mirror to our world that made us truly introspective about our reality.

    His comedy also got me through the various miscarriages.
    Abigail recently posted…Freebie FridayMy Profile

  2. Katie C says:

    LOL at that first video when the cat puts zir paw on top of the puppy’s head like, “Calm the eff down.” Oh, kitties. I love you.

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