By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Bread-cat Edition

September 24, 2015



By discouraging men from taking child-rearing seriously, they say, employers can effectively add to the workplace stigma of women who shoulder these responsibilities.

War correspondent comes home

Creative work is never competitive: I loved this comic. You can make a very fast pig indeed.


Salina Yoon’s Penguin book series is adorable


Cloud does so much better at introspecting the parenting thing. Of course, I think she has better material to work with. LB still chews on hir toes so….

First decent example of Common Core math that I’ve come across. Put this way, my Grandma was doing CC math a century ago.

Peanut Corporation of America executives finally sentenced for their “role in knowingly selling Salmonella Typhimurium-tainted peanuts to food processing manufacturers” which sickened thousands and killed 9. This is a prime example of why I may be for smaller government in most things but I don’t believe in de-regulating the food industry. Our society prizes money above all and considers dead consumers an acceptable cost.

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Bread-cat Edition”

  1. SP says:

    Man, I kind of want to be that kitten today! šŸ™‚

    Thanks for the link to the common core article – that makes a lot of sense to me.
    SP recently posted…Fall UpdateMy Profile

  2. Cloud says:

    Thanks for the shout out!

    We’ve been really happy with the common core math we see coming home in homework. I think it fell victim to partisan politics- from both sides. On the left, it got conflated with standardized testing. On the right, it ran afoul of people suspicious of any attempt by federal government to impose education standards- probably because they worry that this would be the end of the ridiculous local policies about (not) teaching evolution.
    Cloud recently posted…Companies Behaving BadlyMy Profile

  3. […] In the same vein, I am also really proud of my Generation for starting to push the envelope for paternity leave which will only benefit women everywhere. (H/T to Revanche) […]

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