By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: be weird edition

December 3, 2015



How young is too young to invest? I love One Frugal Girl’s experience.

I can’t tell whether to be impressed we infected the British with Black Friday or appalled that people behave appallingly.

Paula Pant is sharing her real estate numbers now and this is really neat to look at. She’s five years on, while I’m only a year and change in with one property, but it’s enlightening to see more of how these things can be handled.

Stacking Pennies on affording their current lifestyle


How to be polite

Dog films wedding


Don’t call her inspiring (but I still admire Abby for her ability and choice to keep going because I have a sense of what it’s like to live with a body that seems like it’s betrayed you and I definitely know what it’s like to want to give up). Read her story in Part 1 and Part 2.

The Unexpected, Exhilarating Freedom of Being Single at 41 (hattip to Feather Factor)

Public health advances in childbearing over the last 100 years

I hate the fact that Asian-Americans are treated as a single entity and dismissed as the acceptable “practically good enough to be white” race. Also known as the Model Minority Myth. When I venture into any extra-high COLA and only see white faces, I know we stick out but only a little because we’re considered harmless high achievers. Maybe it used to be comforting that we’d not stand out enough to be targeted but these days the implications just make me mad.

Don’t judge

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: be weird edition”

  1. Wowza, thanks for the 3 mentions!
    Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…4 ways to save on American GirlMy Profile

  2. Shelley says:

    I had no idea Black Friday went back to FDR’s day. I thought it started after I came here to Britain because I never remember hearing about it. I had to look it up a few years ago (I thought it had something to do with the stock market crash of ’29). I always figure if they can mark something down 50% or the like, it must have been way over priced to start with, so I probably wouldn’t ever shop those sales anyhow. I make most of my Christmas gifts (sew, bake or brew) and set a budget for anything else. I ask everyone for wishlists and buy what I can within that budget. I figure folks who splash out big style (and behave badly) probably act that way the rest of the year as well. No one here in Britain seems to understand Black Friday’s relationship to Thanksgiving, because they don’t have Thanksgiving.
    Shelley recently posted…Grandmother’s BirthdayMy Profile

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