By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: bouncing penguins edition

February 18, 2016



IKEA, not wanting to be synonymous with disposable, is piloting some really neat programs

I love the great Marvel storytelling but the Perlmutter hand behind the helm is UGH.

Unscrupulous real estate brokers in Vancouver exploiting loopholes to profit multiple times per property and driving up the already high cost of real estate.

On work in a video game studio


Parenthood didn’t make me this stupid, I came that way, but the point stands

Beware of baby, a baby primer (comic)

Be my friend, crab!


14 year old is one of the world’s best female rock climbers

Feral chickens

Dutch police in eagles v drones

When your baby won’t eat. A scary reminder of how fragile infants are.

@dog_rates is a wonderfully fun Twitter account that also acts responsibly (doesn’t just steal images) but for every good thing, there’s some jerk troll out there trying to muck it up.

Much as I loathed Scalia’s ideology, there is something to the idea that the Court needs people who can deal with polar opposite ideologies in a respectful way. I’d never argue Scalia was respectful to the rest of the world but RBG and he were able to be friends and that says something interesting about both of them.


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