By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: creepy cats edition

July 27, 2017


Cash makes me super happy, how about you?

“Our odds are beyond scary” applies pretty well to this look at our schedule for climate change

It’s been a few months but I love ZJ’s approach to dealing with this administration and will be borrowing a page from her book.

American women don’t differ greatly from other women in struggling to breastfeed. Where they differ is a loss of support.

Cameroonian children do much better at the marshmallow test. I wonder if it’ll be possible to track their progress later in life though, to compare study results side by side. We are relatively Cameroonian in our strictness with JB. Whining and tantruming is not rewarded, and only just tolerated as long as is needed to break through the whining with either a rational explanation of why ze isn’t getting what ze wants, or food because the whining has nothing to do with desperately needing to see goat pictures on my phone and everything to do with hunger.

This does make me wonder if the Cameroonians also teach the children productive ways to have emotions if they’re not really allowed to express negative emotions. I struggled with that. My parents didn’t allow whining or crying either, which is fine, but I also lacked guidance in how to appropriately express frustration, or anger. We try to give that guidance, age appropriately, and teach the words that do the job better than having a fit.

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: creepy cats edition”

  1. Oh my gosh! I didn’t see the cats in the cupboards at first. Super creepy! The whole negative emotions thing is tough – especially when you yourself (and I mean me myself) weren’t raised in a home in which it was OK to have them. Your goals are very good – allow for the negative emotions but don’t allow them to be a manipulative tool. How to strike the balance? As you discover good practices, I hope you’ll share them.
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  2. It’s tough to deal with all the emotional outbursts from our kid. He’s very emotional and can’t control himself. Hopefully, it will be better as he get older. Some kids are just more emotional.
    Cool cats.

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