By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: white moose edition

August 31, 2017


The Truth About Women and White Supremacy: “While the march in Charlottesville occurred in reaction to the proposed removal of a statue of a Confederate general, women were responsible for the erection of many of these Confederate statues across the country at the turn of the 20th century. In the 1920s, women composed the most influential arm of the KKK. And lest we forget the election that emboldened these modern white supremacists: More than half of white women voted for Trump. To overlook the comprehensive picture of who makes up the extreme right is to seriously underestimate its reach.”

How squirrels land at Stan Lee’s house – I can’t stop laughing at this

This cat is kind of the best.

I think most women already know “What the Google gender ‘manifesto’ really says about Silicon Valley” but it’s still worth saying because it’s still true.

I didn’t know that the ability to lie was an important developmental milestone.

Free eyeglasses for kids boost test scores in Baltimore – my eyesight is finally starting to deteriorate after 30 years of pretty good vision, for which I’ve been so grateful. I strongly sympathize with these poor kids who just couldn’t see well and were misdiagnosed.

How Penny made money online this year (and how I did). Spoiler: not by blogging. 

White moose??

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