By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: cheetahs meow edition

October 26, 2017

I don’t read The Financial Diet often so I’m happy that I dropped in on the day they published this gem.

Thanks to Katherine for sharing this Nora Ephron piece on living in New York.

Glory Edim making a day job and running Well Read Black Girl all work.

What’s your financial personality?

Hm. I wonder if it’s just the PF community that believes so strongly in the idea of self employment as the One True Way to Millionaireship. I pretty strongly disagree with that. But maybe the subset of people who believe this so strongly is the subset most likely to succeed because they can afford to take risks, already have income to sustain them while they take those risks, and aren’t worried about survival. My personal family experience with self employment was without any of those advantages because my parents were immigrants and faced many headwinds: starting from the bottom with literally nothing, plus two small children to support, in a new country where everything was foreign.

Mrs Adventure Rich asked what would go on your wall? I didn’t mean to be a total nerd about it but it just happened. You can’t stop this nerdroll.

Thanks to Little Green Revelation for sharing this link to a Fast Company article on a bizarre situation involving mattress companies, their advertising and affiliate deals, and suing blogging reviewers.

It’s important to listen to women when they share their harassment experiences. Lupita Nyong’o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein

Cheetahs don’t roar??

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: cheetahs meow edition”

  1. Am I allowed to keep a cheetah as a pet? Cause I want one!
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