By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (111) and Link Love

April 2, 2021

1. I had a really tough parenting day Saturday, but had a good brain therapy session after that reviewing what I’d done and concluding that sometimes you can have all the patience and do all the right things and still feel terrible about how the conflict played out. Net positive?

2. The tendon in my thumb has been hurting for weeks (not the good part), and it finally stopped at the end of the week. At least for two days. This is me trying not to jinx myself. (see below. I might have jinxed myself.)

3. PiC and JB went on a surprise donut run. Probably not supposed to have donuts between the gluten, carbs and sugar. Absolutely do not care anymore. I needed the pick me up.

4. We had two warm days this week and while I am still feeling very conflicted with my anger with the world we live in, having that warmth was a major endorphin booster.

Challenges this week: I traded one pain for another. The thumb tendon for neck and back pain. Not the best trade. Also not by choice. It just happened that way.

Then, the thumb tendon pain came back. Not cool.

Holy Swampiness, Batman. I’m starting to feel like I’m facing a massive set of waves set to crash over my head at any moment. Work, more work, and more household work, all on no sleep.

I feel like my children live in sleep regressions. Constantly. Endlessly.

Just a little link love

VERY SPECIFIC INTERVIEWS: What It’s Like When an Instagram Bra Doesn’t Change Your Life

Hats off to Dasia Taylor’s idea. I hope it can become a viable product that she gets credit for and earnings from: This High Schooler Invented Color-Changing Sutures to Detect Infection

Captain Awkward on vaccines.

We Are All Fragile Creatures. The Manufactured Moral Panic of a Free Krispy Kreme Doughnut. I’m so glad I didn’t see all that nonsense about the doughnuts.

How Not to Be All About What It’s Not All About: Further Thoughts on Writing About Someone Else’s Culture and Experience

McGraw Hill, this is dirty: At a Major Education Company, Freelancers Must Now Pay a Fee In Order to Get Paid

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