By: Revanche

Strike One: CitiBank Online

August 7, 2006

I fully admit that going to the ATM and then realizing that I don’t remember the ATM number is a numbskull move on my fault. And, unfortunately, it takes me more than just three guesses to realize that I really truly don’t have any recollection of what the PIN number is.

Yesterday I stopped by the bank to deposit a check I keep forgetting about. I’ve only used my Citi ATM number once, weeks ago, because I primarily use Citibank to bank online – I simply don’t have time to go to the branch and it’s never open when I need it because I’m gone 6am-8pm everyday. After a couple tries (no warning, btw, that after X number of tries, I’ll be locked out so I figured I had 4-5 tries) I’ve been locked out of my ATM access AND online access! Spoke with a rep, he confirmed that so long as my ATM is locked out, my online access is locked as well.

Guess what my options are, for resetting my PIN? Yep, going to the branch. The branch that’s open 9-4 every weekday. If they send me a new PIN by mail, it’ll take 7-10 days. Argh!

I know it’s my fault for screwing up, but they couldn’t have warned me that I only had 3 consecutive attempts? And, they had to save me from myself online too? Why on earth can they not make provisions for online-only customers? It can’t be totally unreasonable to have some sort of procedure to reset a PIN over the phone if I am able to verify my identity!

*sigh* If I hadn’t mentioned before that I’m totally neurotic about checking my accounts everyday, well, I am. This is going to drive me nuts!

Debate: take my chances with the PIN? Wait until Saturday to reset?

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