By: Revanche

Being in the right place at the right time

July 3, 2010

One of the hardest things about having moved away from family and friends is that there’s no way I can swoop in and visit whenever someone’s ill, depressed or distressed.  That was probably the best thing about being unemployed/freelancing: when situations came up, I could be there for people.

In fact, the way people tend to hermitize when they’re going through rough times (which I’ve been doing myself for three months, so I’m not throwing stones), I’m not even likely to know that they’re having a bad time of it until well afterward.

I’m attending an old friend’s wedding this weekend and it happened to put us in the right place for once. PiC’s sibs were expecting and their wee one was born early in an emergency situation. We’ll be able to visit them in the hospital and help out over the weekend if there’s anything they need.

My fingers are crossed that the health situation resolves soon and they can enjoy their new addition without this extra concern soon. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and an extra day off for those who have Monday off. 

One Response to “Being in the right place at the right time”

  1. […] support from the blogosphere that knew nothing but my story for which I am still grateful, whilst support with regard to family flowed only outward.  Our cost of living has gone up, and my responsibility to my Dad remains, so should there be any […]

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