By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: boxer match edition

March 31, 2016


An A-Z of Women Pushing Boundaries in Science and Tech

If the US is going to require passports for domestic travel, they’d better make it cheaper and easier to get one because it’s quite expensive now.

Is flex as important to men as to women?” Of course it is. PiC is as fully involved with LB as I am, and the more flexibility he has, the more we can both fully perform our jobs as parents and as productive employees. The problem with defining flexibility as “part time” is that I think part timers still get penalized for holding a part-time position where it’s not the cultural norm. Maybe men are penalized less, I don’t know.

Whatever the answer to this entitled, harassment-rife culture: stronger regulations, actual investigations and consequences, the answer is NOT to say “not all men” do this. That’s obvious and pointless. The problem is that any men at all do this and repeatedly get away with it.

A note from non-profits to for profit businesses: stop patronizing us!

She Changed Comics: Wonderful coverage of awesome comic creators, writers, and artists at the CBLDF. They cover some of my favorites and introduced me to a couple I’ll have to read soon.


A fantastic overview of women in history by Kate Elliott

Half the world is full of women, but it’s rare to hear a narrative that doesn’t speak of women as the people who have things done to them instead of the people who do things. More often, women are talked about as a man’s daughter. A man’s wife.

One megadog, please


Never ever tell me “everything happens for a reason” in response to grief. It’s the worst, most unkind, and hurtful platitude. This, most emphatically: “Let me be clear: If you’ve faced a tragedy and someone tells you in any way that your tragedy was meant to be, happened for a reason, will make you a better person, or that taking responsibility for it will fix it, you have every right to remove them from your life.

Really, how DO parents do that whole snow thing?

Modeling mindfulness and inclusiveness for our kids is a good idea. I remember that I sucked at this as a kid, I didn’t know better and hadn’t seen good examples of how to be inclusive. Not that I’m much better at proactively being inclusive as an introvert either. This might be PiC’s job.

Scalzi on why he doesn’t really drink and doesn’t do drugs. Same reasons for me: What’s the point? There’s nothing fun about getting drunk (for me), and even less in trying to get some chemical high since my version of it with legal stuff is much more like kickstarting nausea and dizziness and stupidity. Basically my body’s got some nice self-protective “fun? nahhh not even a little” mechanism and that’s fine. I’m too cheap to waste money on it anyway.

Boxer v Boxer

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: boxer match edition”

  1. Passports for domestic flights would be super annoying. And to restrict *domestic* flights on those with substantial tax liens? What!?
    Taylor Lee @ Yuppie Millennial recently posted…How Much Is Enough?My Profile

  2. SP says:

    Just another article sharing how “work life balance” is not a mom/woman’s issue – it applies to everyone! I’ve never had a job where “reasonable” flex time was not permitted. Working from home is generally not something I do – my LA job because of security reasons, this job because there are very few reasons I can’t get 5 minutes down the road and be there in person. But if I need to do something else, I do it. I also think that part time could turn out to be feasible if I need that accommodation – but it depends on a lot of things.

    <3 boxer puppies!

    I hope states simply make compliant drivers licenses – that would certainly simplify things!
    SP recently posted…2016 Financial PrioritiesMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      It’s definitely an everyone issue! It drives me nuts that people don’t see how beneficial it is to focus on whether the work is getting done and not face time.

      Compliant drivers’ licenses would be so much more doable, though even navigating the DMV can be really tough for those who don’t have flexibility in their work as well, I expect it might be easier than navigating the embassy for a passport.

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