By: Revanche

2021 AGSL Fourth Annual Giving Project: Lakota Families

January 18, 2021

Just like that, 2021 is our fourth year of supporting Lakota families on the Okini! Can you believe that?

In 2018, a small group of us came together to give holiday gifts to Lakota families. It went so well that in 2019, I organized again, earlier in the year, and expanded to include holiday gifts and winter needs.

The goal for 2020 was to make this a year-round project. Despite the complications of COVID, my pregnancy, and the turmoil of a Presidential election year in the United States, we still helped a huge group of families. Together, we put $2153.05 to work responding to ten separate requests. One request was a repeat from a very large family (of 21 people!) that we had previously helped with diapers and sanitary health needs – this was when COVID hit and they needed materials to make masks for the family. We helped more than 54 people: elders, working adults, single parents, large sibling groups, expected bundles of joy.

I had added a rural libraries component last year but that may have to go on hold this year to ensure I can continue to serve the main project well while we have an infant at home and are still staying at home.

I’m kicking off 2021 with a boatload of goods to the Allen Youth Center (dedicated to helping Lakota youth). I’m loading up a cart of diapers, wipes, body soap, shampoo and conditioner. If we get a lot of early contributions, we can add the other requested items of laundry soap and lotion, and more diapers. (We can only send four cases of each size of diapers at a time, if and when they’re available to ship.)

In addition to helping the families on the Okini through the year, I’m also interested in finding out how the Sponsorships work. I don’t know if they will be a good fit but I’d like to find out. Let me know if you’re interested in knowing more about the sponsorships and I’ll report back when I have a chance.

I hope you can join me and/or share the project!

You can make contributions to ….

1. My Ko-Fi page (note: Ko-Fi flows through Paypal so they do take fees out)
2. You can send as a gift (otherwise PayPal will take fees out) to admin [at] If you’re sending via PayPal on mobile, make sure to click on the arrow next to “paying for goods and services” to select “send as a gift” because that’s tripped up more than one person!
3. If you’d like to donate monthly (Paypal charges fees for this), you can use this donate link.

:: Contributors get first updates by email, and I include some details in my monthly money reports afterwards.

9 Responses to “2021 AGSL Fourth Annual Giving Project: Lakota Families”

  1. C says:

    Thanks for doing the organizing on this. Good luck with Smol Acrobat + all the rest. (Good luck for us all, really, this week.) I have been really enjoying the link love.

  2. Penny says:

    Happily sent over a small donation yesterday! Will keep donating throughout the year. Thank you for doing this <3

  3. Diana says:

    So happy I can support your project this year. Yay stimulus giving!

  4. Katie says:

    Hey – have you checked out the sponsorship thing yet? There’s a 12yo girl listed on the site, and I’m drawn to doing this for her.

  5. […] gift-giving each year. This year I also donated three gift cards to my pal Revanche’s annual gift drive for Lakota families. (That’s a link to last year’s article. This year she’s focusing on warm coats and clothing, […]

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