By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (288) and Link Love

August 30, 2024

1. From Bree of KitRocha, The West Alabama Women’s Center needs help staying funded to get through the end of the year. They provide essential healthcare services (trans care, prenatal care and birth control).

Just a little link love

The staggering death toll of scientific lies: Scientific fraud kills people. Should it be illegal?

The utter lack of consequences in scientific misconduct (ANDREW WAKEFIELD etc) is indeed maddening. There are basically no consequences.

Corn sweat! 😭 ‘Corn Sweat’ and Climate Change Bring Sweltering Weather to the Midwest

🙄😒 Lowe’s scraps some DEI programs as conservative activist chalks up another win

A delightful lil interview with Ursula Vernon and KB Spangler, the Editor for her self-pub Paladin books (which I love and strongly recommend): At Every Turn: Paladin’s Grace by T. Kingfisher

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