By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (294) and Link Love

October 11, 2024

1. We left this till October on purpose for timing immunity peaks and things but then it was also a bit of a scramble to get 3 of 4 of us vaccinated this week because my week leading up to the right time was so hectic. Still, glad we managed!

2. A thought that made me chuckle: “A plague on both your houses!” was the original ESH.

Just a little link love

This would be amazing if it worked effectively: Ovarian cancer vaccine study gets funding

Whaaaat: The red sweat of the hippopotamus

Oh no that’s bad: Invasive 20-pound rodents continue to spread in the Bay Area

This is the second death from rabies in recent memory: Child dies from rabies after bat found in room, Canada officials say

Scammers are unfortunately really good at their gig: Truth Social Users Are Losing Ridiculous Sums of Money to Scams

I read this article because of a friend’s comment about it: “Roblox on Xbox (not PC) requires you to open communications with people not your friends in order to play at all. I have not allowed it in the house because of that. Xbox games can absolutely work without that setting on. That being required was a huge red flag for me.” Roblox: Inflated Key Metrics For Wall Street And A Pedophile Hellscape For Kids

Apparently all area raccoons got the evite: Washington state woman calls 911 after being hounded by up to 100 raccoons

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