By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (98) and Link Love

January 1, 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2021 be vastly kinder to all of us.

1. Two of my three refunds were processed without follow-up from me. Yay! I just need that last one …

2. After months of being exasperated that our only tongs and spatula were in use in some other cookery, I bought two more tongs and a second spatula. Sometimes it makes sense to spend some money to solve an annoyance!

Challenges this week: I plunged into deep depression mid-week. True to form, I was still physically functional, just mentally/emotionally thrashed.

Just a little link love

I have turned into Moira Rose, queen of the crows. My inadvertent crow army has gotten aggressive towards others. If they hurt someone could i be held liable?

Cloud on lessons from our pandemic failures

Living With Karens: without obvious racism (so far), our neighbor is Susan Schulz. People are awful.

Life Was Not a Peach: this reflection on David Chang’s behavior is jarring. I worked with people like him and they were absolutely awful. They never admitted to seeing how awful they were even when we called them out for their behavior.

Ashley C Ford’s writing resonates strongly with me right now:

I will not buy the library: “Naming what I want, and actually following through, feels like I’ve gotten away with something. It’s fascinating how attempts at centering myself feel like stealing. I’m still getting used to getting my way sometimes, for asking for what I want and unburdening myself from what I don’t.

Gratitude is Personal & Performance: “It convinced me I can be thankful for what’s offered, and tell the truth about what I prefer. I don’t hurt people by knowing what I want, but it does hurt me to lie me about it.

Tech designers often assume that one account means one user – but in reality many couples admit to sharing credentials, resulting in a security mess“: I don’t share passwords but we do have a need to be able to sensibly share and decouple access to family accounts in some way. Until designers allow for that, I assume people are going to keep on sharing their passwords.


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