By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Do unto others edition

February 14, 2019

Just a little link love

The Racial Wealth Gap

This measles outbreak is horrifying. Anti-vaxxers are terrible people.

Are You Selling Yourself Short Professionally?: As women, I think we tend to sell ourselves short when we talk about our work, not just because bragging is hard. (Though to be fair, it is.) It’s also because our culture doesn’t value the soft skills it takes to make a company withstand the test of time. And it doesn’t value support work.

Things I didn’t know about RMDs for inherited IRAs. No one in my family has enough money to leave an inheritance so this was all new information to me! Our generation is the first to invest and may be passing money down to the next generation. Though I wonder what’s really going to be around in 50 years, considering climate change.

I didn’t learn about Jane Elliott and her Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes experiment until adulthood but her work is hugely impactful. It makes me sad to know that not that much has changed since she started her work, though.

Luxe’s $6000 rental car debacle: I’ve always used my AmEx for anything that I might need to make claims for and that’s because I absolutely loathe working with Chase. They are the pits and they make everything, like this claims process, incredibly difficult.

By contrast, I have filed multiple claims with AmEx for various things (like that purchase protection claim) and think the most difficult claim I had with AmEx was one that I didn’t bother completing because I got the manufacturer to actually honor their warranty.

Life as an adjunct is intensely stressful – low pay, tons of work, scarce stable work.

I think we know the answer to this

3 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Do unto others edition”

  1. Why do antivaxxers do what they do? Seems mind boggling to me. There’s no money in it (I think?) and you just cause a bunch of children to get mortally ill. I feel like I’m missing something.

    Love the Jane Elliott clip.
    Yet Another PF Blog recently posted…Things I’m Proud OfMy Profile

  2. Thank you for the mention! I enjoyed reading the post from Rich and Regular–it’s a perspective that’s so important to be aware of.

    And yes, I would deal with Amex any day of the week over Chase. They’ve never questioned my Return Protection requests, or even asked me to send them any merchandise. Meanwhile, Chase gives you the runaround for even trying to claim a reimbursement a $40 shirt.
    The Luxe Strategist recently posted…The Money Moves I’m Making in 2019My Profile

  3. GYM says:

    There’s a very sad story about this couple who is going to trial right now, their toddler died of meningitis and they were looking up ‘natural’ cures for gangrene on their computer. This was in Alberta. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were antivaxxers too.
    GYM recently posted…9 Income Producing Assets to Help You Achieve Financial FreedomMy Profile

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