By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: rescue + agility edition

April 18, 2019

Just a little link love

I loved Purple’s write up about her non-traditional education and I sure wish I’d looked into Montessori earlier in JB’s life.

I can’t wait to try out Needhi’s mom’s Punjabi curry recipe / guidelines.

Done by Forty: “In poker terms, the meritocracy argument is an example of resulting: of judging the quality of our decisions based on the results of those decisions. If you get a good result, you made a good decision. If you get a bad result, you made a bad decision.

Except that life doesn’t work out that way.

Just when I thought the credit reporting bureaus couldn’t be grosser, it turns out they’ve got this going on: “Equifax has marketing material pitching employment status to debt collectors who want an early nod that someone is no longer employed.”

Earthquake liquefaction zones are why I don’t put much faith in Bay Area property values. Won’t mean much if our home falls into an earthquake created abyss.

You Could Have Today. Instead You Choose Tomorrow: It’s a huge privilege to be able to choose this life this way. I worked my nalgas off to get to choose like this and even then a huge degree of luck came into play to make that happen.

I have been thanked for my work as a manager in the past but those were both quite unexpected and very unsolicited thanks. I have always said that it’s a totally thankless task, particularly if you’re doing it right (advocating for your people, supporting them without micromanaging, rewarding them as appropriate for their situations and needs). Frankly, I do it for the management money, not thanks. I can’t imagine going into it seeking that kind of validation from my employees. Generally it’s not going to happen.

Rescue dog ambles through agility

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: rescue + agility edition”

  1. That guy must be a new manager– I can’t imagine expecting a report to thank you if you’ve been doing the job for more than five minutes.
    Yet Another PF Blog recently posted…What Do I Like About Working?My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Right? I’m pretty clear to myself that I’m in this for money, not thanks, and I do the job to the best of my ability because that’s professionalism.

  2. Ew, Equifax. Just… ew.

    Great piece on choosing today rather than tomorrow! I tend to live in the future, which is a bad habit. It’s something I’m working on, wherein I try to enjoy myself in the present (without letting spending slip too much). Because not nearly as much will change as I think when I hit my first $100,000 in retirement accounts (yes, I’m horribly behind) or pay off the house or whatever. I’ll still be me. I’ll have basically the same options to make me happy so… I need to make myself happy now and just try to provide future me with a comfortable life, rather than working toward a day where I can be comfortable and therefore happy.

    • Revanche says:

      I like that I choose tomorrow mostly BUT I do think that there’s a good reason to try to live in the present more.

  3. Kris says:

    I was in the Bay Area during the last major quake in ’89 and remember watching the seismologist predicting at that time that the next one should be around 30 years. Now we are here 30 years later and it may happen soon so now I think about it maybe it’s a good thing we haven’t found a home yet because a major quake will do some damage if the area is due for one soon.

  4. SP says:

    I didn’t realize so much of the south bay was liquefaction zone! When we were house hunting, I remember watching YouTube videos of it, and it is pretty crazy. We were able to avoid it, but there are lots of other risks…

    Management is thankless at best, but the thing that stuck out to me most in that article was the use of team as plural “His team are…” instead of “His team is”. Is that really a thing? I still have trouble with “the data are” even though I know it is correct, but this is new to me.

  5. I just wanted to say thanks for including me in your latest link love, friend!

    I’m excited to read some of the other articles, too: especially the Medium piece on having today or tomorrow.
    Done by Forty recently posted…Systemic Problems, Individual SolutionsMy Profile

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