By: Revanche

2023 Annual Lakota Giving Project

January 10, 2023

As I wrap my head around the fact that it’s January again, I’m preparing for a new year of giving. I’ve recorded the archive of our project on this page.

There’s a lot of uncertainty this year. Without Twitter, my fundraising reach might be next to nothing. Many, if not all, donors came across the project from Twitter. Greg Doucette, who runs a massive campaign each year to feed kids feels the same way. When asked when he’ll start fundraising for this year’s Foodraiser, he replied:

I truly don’t want the demise of Twitter to be the end of this project too but we’ll have to see. I hope that y’all will share, and donate if you’re able, and help us keep this going.

This year’s goals:

  • Continue helping 1-2 families a month throughout year.
  • Raise $6000 to shop the Thanksgiving-adjacent and weekend sales to supply the community in bulk.
  • In March, we’ll start saving large boxes in March for the end of year giveaway. When school lets out and they wash all the left behind clothing, I’m driving over there with an empty car and loading it up with as many good coats and sweaters as we can carry home to ship out. They’re perfectly good clothes, free, and will only cost shipping!

I’ve shipped 30 lbs of clothing, toys and COVID tests to start us off. With three contributions, including our own first donation of the year, we’re at a total of $418.22.

If we can get to $700-800, we’ll be ready to start with our first family of the year! There’s a family of 9 that lives waaay out in the country and hasn’t received any help for a month. I’d like to get them well outfitted.

How you can help (Every penny matters!):

Venmo: @RK-Tillman
PayPal: ruthtillman [@]
Cashapp: $ruthkt

Please supply your email address if you’d like updates on where the money goes.

Thank you all for your ongoing support of the Lakota people!

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  1. […] discusses her Lakota giving project and how you can […]

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