By: Revanche

Status Quo

July 12, 2006

So, it’s July 12th. 11 days after July 1st. And I don’t have my new title, nor the raise that SHOULD come with it. Why? Because my supervisor/boss and his boss are super-busy and haven’t had a chance to talk to me yet. Yeah yeah, they have a wedding to plan, deadlines to miss, and travel to arrange, all the usual excuses around this time of year.

So even though I “know” that I’m supposed to get them, I don’t KNOW that I’m going to get them, ya know? I have no details. Other than it’ll happen. Eventually.

Naturally, I feel like – even though it is likely nothing more unusual than the delay is due to the fact that they’re very busy, can’t manage their time worth a hill o’ beans, and they even dropped the ball big time on a Major Deadline because of their little wedding project –

1) I’m not going to GET the promotion OR raise after all. (no rational reason for this. In the last 8 months I’ve accomplished goals that haven’t been hit in years, logged more time and work hours than my workaholic boss.)
2) They’re delaying so that they’ll hit my 2-year anniversary mark so that they can give my coworker an undeserved, equalizing promotion. (rational reason for this: they actually have a SCHEDULE for promotions. Two years, first promotion. I’m a few months early. 4, actually. And she and I were hired and started on the same day. And she’s a bratty, tantrum-throwing troll.)
3) Any Number Of Disastrous Things are Brewing. Not in my favor.

Again, even though I “know” that it’s gonna happen and that I’m supposed to come up with an new job title that’s *snazzy* and *important-sounding* to match all the work that I’ve taken on and pushed through, I’m still on edge. Because it hasn’t actually happened yet. And it’s making me a little stir crazy.

And at the same time we’re trying to start interviewing for what should be my former position (actually, to replace a departed coworker, really). A position for which my friend would be perfect, and also incidentally needs in a major way. But I can’t seem biased. Though, I personally want him to get it and and feel that professionally, he’s right for the job.

So when all this is resolved and dust settles, I may be able to intelligibly post about How Raises and Promotions Seem to Work in a Small Office. (population: 3 student interns, 4 full time staffers, 1 supervisor staffer, 1 reigning Boss). Until then I’m going to be nervously shuffling my projects around my desk and trying to work through the increasing anxiety.

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