By: Revanche

10k, One Day, One Store

August 9, 2006

What would you do?

I just can’t make up my mind — practical? Frivolous? And then there are degrees of practicality, clothes are practical but also frivolous … the comics and comic accessories I could get boggle my mind! (I would not just stock up on the long boxes, bags ‘n’ boards, but I could go for a spinner or two.)

But, spending without trying to squeeze the value out of every single penny with coupons, rebates and sales? I don’t know if I could do that. In all honesty I would probably take the money, throw it into a savings account and crow Victory! Or buy a large chunk of airline gift cards so that BoyDucky and I can visit/travel more frequently without worrying about the monthly expenses, or just plan a nice vacation and shopping trip for MaDucky.

Do you know, in all her life, she has yet to go on a vacation or shop without paying attention to how it’s going to affect the budget? It’s always been survival and raising the kids and giving them what they need, want or should have. Piano lessons, private school, books, clothes, cars. Maybe they weren’t needs but they were definitely sacrifices that she made for us. Scratch that, she didn’t buy me a car, but she did provide for most of her family (6 sibs, 2 parents) none of whom thanked her, much less paid her back.

Hm. Today’s question should have been fun, but I got sidetracked on Guilt Highway, carpool lane.

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