By: Revanche

15 days, -$ 235

August 15, 2006

It’s my August mid-month challenge! After I straighten out a couple of issues and pay back one card for work expenses that were reimbursed, I have [150] dollars for the rest of this month. And I’m [135] dollars for the hideous utility bill. I’m negative [235] dollars at midmonth. For shame!! This is not a good tingly feeling I’m getting here. How shall we make up that negative, so as not to dig into the savings allowance this month?

Well, I have a small chunk of DealBarbiePays money coming in the end of the month. I think I’ll wait a little while longer to request the next withdraw since I could spend a little time looking for more high amount offers.
Just requested a cashout on my wee little Fatwallet balance, they PayPal now! I hope that means it’s coming sooner.

I think that leaves me needing approximately $150 of creativity.

[I know I worked a LOT of OT last pay period, tomorrow we’ll see how much that overage really amounts to, but since I’m behind on my insurance/household bill deposits I feel like using that would just be cheating. Filling in old holes takes priority over new holes in the budget.]

Working even more OT this week is rather difficult considering my boss wanted me to take this Friday off to hang out with CousinDucky. And frankly, she’s worth more than a little OT.

So, creativity, GO!

2 Responses to “15 days, -$ 235”

  1. Wanda says:

    hi Ms. MiniDucky,

    Thanks for your comments on my blog… it’s always nice to see comments, especially since I don’t update as much as I want. I’m adding you to my blogroll. šŸ™‚

  2. Hi there Wanda!

    I’m enough of a newbie to be pretty jazzed getting comments, but blogrolled too? I love it! šŸ™‚
    Obviously, I can count exactly how many people have linked to me šŸ˜‰

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