By: Revanche

2 inches, $65

August 27, 2006

Size-mic Silliness

2 inches. That’s my magic number. However much poundage that translates into, I don’t care. I just want to put on 2 inches. In diameter.

Size 0 just doesn’t work for me anymore, because ladies’ sizes continue to shift upwards, and in stores where clothes in size 0 are too small, you can bet that size 2 will be too big. When, as in the majority of stores, size 0 is too BIG, I’m just SOL!

Thusly, I am embarking on my two-inch plan. I want to put on two inches, all around. Magically, waistlines will fit, hips in dresses, skirts and pants will fit, tops will fit. In addition to the party I get to throw when I hit 100 pounds, I will be allowed a new outfit when I gain those two inches.

And if I also manage to grow taller by two inches, well, I’ll entirely eliminate that tailor’s bill of $65 for hemming lengths, and trimming waistlines. Or will that just incur extra charges to try to let out waistlines and hemlines of existing clothes? Hmmm …..

4 Responses to “2 inches, $65”

  1. Daniel says:

    Sounds like we run into similar problems but opposite! Sometimes I have trouble finding clothes big enough or long enough. At 6’6, sometimes this is tough.

    Somehow I doubt you will get sympathy from very many others though on this one. I think most girls wouldn’t mind having your problem.

  2. Thanks for the backup! šŸ˜‰

    You’re right, I have only ever had a couple people be sympathetic to my cause. But I have it on good authority (from a registered dietician) that it is just as difficult for an ectomorph to gain weight as it is for an endomorph to lose weight. And it’s just as sad when a clerk looks at you and says, “Oh, they don’t even make that size.”

  3. mOOm says:

    You are mini! šŸ™‚

    I’m lucky I stopped growing at 6′ 3″ and my feet are size 13 which is the biggest standard shoes you can get in stores usually. Selection in shoes is a lot better than it used to be especially in the US (I grew up in Britain). I was used to going into a shoe store and saying “what have you got in 13”. Maybe there’d be something.

  4. Moom: You and I could go shopping fruitlessly for HOURS together! I shop with a girl friend who’s a size 11 shoe and she too has the worst luck finding anything that’s not a flipflop. We’ll have to try your size takes all tactic next time šŸ™‚

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