By: Revanche

Bank of America: $100 + $125

August 10, 2006

Daniel, wait a sec! get a $100 BofA check when you open any new, personal checking account with a Check Card. Get an additional $25 when you open any new, personal savings account.
This is actually targeted to existing customers, so you should do both, your other one first and this one just for the bonus!

This deal says you must respond by December 31, 2006.

Ok, so you didn’t have to come see this first, I just couldn’t remember the details and didn’t want you to miss the greater bonus if this wasn’t targeted to existing customers.

Oh, wait a sec, yes you did, check this out: Receive $100.00 – when you open your new checking account online.
The fine print on this one says you have to keep your money in there for the approximately 50 days it should take to credit your account.

Open this one online first, you’ll still get checks and ATM cards, and then the other one up there for a total of $225. A wee bit more than the $35 for a little more work. Whatcha think? =)

I haven’t done either yet, but now that I’ve done the legwork for you, I might just do it too!

6 Responses to “Bank of America: $100 + $125”

  1. Then Things says:

    boo I just opened a checking online with BOA!! Mine was campus edge and it says this doesn’t apply to campus edge though, so I feel a little better.

  2. oh but that’s ok, you can still do the other one! just .. don’t think about the first step there….

  3. Daniel says:

    I’m a lil confused here. So I have to open up two additional checking accounts? Will this work since I already have a BofA checking account?

    Let me check the fine print to see if I can do this without to much hassle. I don’t want to lose out since I already have a checking account.

    Also, BofA has a tendency to charge monthly fees on their checking accounts if you aren’t direct depositing. Even with a few months of fees, I can still come out ahead.

  4. Daniel,
    Oh, I thought you hadn’t opened one yet, or that you didn’t have one at all. I’m not positive about the second deal, but the first one is good for existing customers. So, that’s one new account you’d have to open.

  5. Kira says:

    schweet, I just did the first one, now I can do the second one too.. =)

  6. $$ to y’all! I think I’ll get on this when I get home ….

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