By: Revanche

Conflicted: Balance Transfer Troubles

August 25, 2006

What’s the color for PF blogger shame?

The statement closes on one of my Citibank balance transfer cards today and … well, I goofed. I think I admitted to this some time ago when I mentioned that I wasn’t playing with the Credit Protector stuff on my BT cards anymore because I’d missed a date or something and somehow was charged a CP fee. [gr!]

I still have time, thanks to the handy-dandy “transfer” option on my Citibank account that’ll process a payment right now as though it were an instantaneous payment, but there’s something in me balking about the thought of giving up the interest on about 2500 dollars.

BUT I sh0uld shush up and cut my losses now, after all, I still have another BT left on another card that would have come up free in a month or so anyway. That’s the Driver’s Edge that’ll be out of the 12 month 6% promotional period.


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