By: Revanche

It’s gettin’ hot in here ….

August 27, 2006

Just after twelve and I’ve FINALLY cleared off part of my desk having organized all sixteen Pending Resolution issues into a nice accordion folder. That leaves:

1. the great Cable/Internet/Phone debate [I’m trying to research SingleMa’s Verizon experience because the AT&T Yahoo that I posted about may not pan out],
2. the lovely T-Mobile, Please remove BroDucky from the family plan campaign,
3. and the Road Hazards, Blown tire insurance shouldn’t be this much trouble to collect on debacle.

Things are heating up in here, and I haven’t even tackled the remainder of my work-work that has to be completed before I get into the office tomorrow.

I’m determined to get all this done today and start the week off right because I’ve only got 3 working days with the boss in the office and we need to Get. Things. DONE.

The end of this week, I’m going to leave ALL these worries behind – they shouldn’t even be worries by Friday – and go see BoyDucky for the weekend. Real relaxation, here I come!!

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