By: Revanche

Oohhhh, Retirement Plan!

August 16, 2006

TO: University Non-Exempt Retirement Plan Participants

University non-exempt employees have frequently expressed a desire to be included in the university’s Exempt Staff and Faculty Retirement Plan. Many of you confirmed that preference in the benefits satisfaction survey in 2004. The Retirement Plan Review Task Force is considering returning to a single, tax deferred retirement plan covering all eligible faculty and staff.

This week, we will send a short survey to your home address to get your response to our ideas for change. Let us know your opinion by completing the survey and returning it to us via campus mail by August 22.

I can’t believe how excited I am about the possibility of matching funds!! Except I wonder what they’ll do with the current Supplemental fund. I really almost don’t care, as long as they start matching funds.

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