By: Revanche

Oy, can you HAVE that many [tax] allowances?

September 16, 2006

Checked out the 2006 Withholding Calculator and I’m not sure what’s more mystifying: the fact that I may come up overwithholding almost double my actual tax bill, that they’re recommending that I increase my allowances to 13 to adjust for the remainder of 2006, or the fact that I just can’t bring myself to believe them.

The IRS, I mean. I don’t believe their website’s calculator that I’ll only owe half of the total
amount that will be withheld this year. I probably should, and probably should adjust my W-4 right away since I’m running out of 2006, but I can’t really believe it.

There’s no logic to this disbelief at all. I just don’t want to change it and find out that it was utterly the wrong thing to do.

And? You can have 13 allowances? What are allowances? I should look this up.

2 Responses to “Oy, can you HAVE that many [tax] allowances?”

  1. SMB says:

    Sorry for the off-topic comment, but I wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog and your offer to email your friends–J and I are talking about our options; hopefully I’ll know something soon about whether we’re staying or going!

  2. Not at all, you’re quite welcome! I know a new job and moving are exhausting changes on their own but to do both and find that you’re not entirely happy really doesn’t help. I hope you guys are able to come to a decision you’re happy with!

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