By: Revanche

Where were you when the world stopped turning

September 11, 2006

That song still makes me cry, even if I’m not really listening to the lyrics.

It’s finally struck me that today was the day, years and years, ages ago that an occurrence of tremendous, frightening proportions unfolded before our eyes and iconic images were forever burned into our memories.

I was still in college. In fact, I was sleeping late, enjoying one of my last days of just working before I was to dance that waltz of school-work-work-work-school-work-work-work, when my best friend rang frantically, manically almost. I managed to get the TV on and sat there, crying disbelievingly, as I tried to process the madness projected over and over and over.

I think it took me all day, as long as it did today, to begin to process the horrific ripples this would send across the international community and that was almost paralyzing.

It took me a day to realize that we still have heroes, we still have cynics. Our world had been turned upside down and shaken, and yet, what we were going through, or had to go through, was not too different from the kind of fear many other cultures have had to live through for many years. My heart goes out to all the parents, children, relatives, friends, and acquaintances who have lived in a climate of fear.

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