By: Revanche

October Mail-in Rebate: Walgreens

October 20, 2006

Even though I’ve been pretty lackluster about keeping up my couponing and rebating in the face of all the workhours I’ve been logging, I tuned in just in time to notice that October’s a good rebating month and Walgreens does well by all of us!

1. For the arthritically inclined: Your choice of ActiveOn, a topical analgesic for joint&muscle, backache, or arthritis, 2oz: Free after rebate
2. For the follicularly blessed: Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner 25.4 oz [yep! That’s the giant sized version!], or Deep Conditioner 10.2 oz: Free after rebate
3. For the stressed&heartburned: Mylanta Ultimate Strength, 12 oz: Free after rebate
4. For the great dental exam: Oral-B Manual CrossAction Toothbrush: Free after rebate
5. For the littles: PediaSure NutriPals Liquid 4 pack, 8.4 oz, or Bars 6-pack: Free after Rebate
6. For the gals: Playtex Sport Tampons, 16 pack: Free after rebate
7. For the immunologically challenged: Sucrets Defense to help fight Colds & Flu, 18 drops: Free after rebate

[Ironically, I picked up numbers 2, 4, 6, and 7. And, I didn’t use 7. So I’m home, sick. Yep, still feeling bored and sorry for myself.] ALSO remember to check your newspapers from last Sunday, you’ll find great coupons for items 2 and 7 in either the Smartsource or Valassis pages, as well as for item 3 in the Parade pages. If you don’t know how Walgreens rebates work, you buy all the items you want and even if you use a coupon on their rebate items, [yes, even the Free after Rebates hereafter known as FAR], you get the full purchase price back in your rebate check. If you opt to receive your rebate in the form of a gift card, they will add an extra 10% bonus to your rebate total. They don’t require you to collect UPCs either, you just have to send in your receipt with their submission form properly filled out. Be sure to keep a photocopy for your records! Occasionally a mistake will be made and you’ll need to send them a copy of your proof to get your full rebate.

It’s actually been a pretty great week for coupons because the Walgreens Catalina machine gave me two coupons for Free Tampax Pearl after buying the Playtex brand. You’ve gotta love brand competition! And the Parade magazine also had a free Pupperoni’s coupon so the doggies can have a free treat as well. What a nice welcome-back to couponing!

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