By: Revanche

Verizon, the cheap kind

October 21, 2006

I still can’t get the darned thing to work through a router properly, thoroughly defeating the purpose of having cheaper internet, but if it were to work at this speed for all computers, simultaneously [not likely, I know], I’d have to say Verizon’s $14.9/mo internet is not too shabby.

It’s taken about a week since the service ready date, aka: the date from which they begin billing you, to actually use the service, and like I said, I still can’t get it to work through the router so we’ll probably prevail on – who else? – my younger, teenaged computer whiz cousin to help whip Linksys into shape.

I will just have to keep an eye out for the phone bill to make sure they really do apply the 30-day credit that I was promised.

So far …..

3 Responses to “Verizon, the cheap kind”

  1. GolbGuru says:

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  2. GolbGuru says:

    I have Verizon DSL too and here are my two cents.

    Money-wise I think you will be happy with the service. My final bill (landline+DSL) was within $40 (just the landline used to be around $24), so there won’t be any surprises when you get the first bill.

    On tech-support, Verizon sucks big time. Try to find some tech forums online to get your router working. If you call Verizon and ask for help, you will certainly spend hours and days trying to get anything useful out of them. Try it and see for yourself šŸ™‚

  3. Golbguru: Oh, you know I believe you! Five hours of my sick-day-Saturday was spent on hold or listening to their tech support not know what they were doing. It was NOT fun. They were nice, at least, but if my lil cousin or uncle can get us through the sticky bits and I can save $35/month then it’ll be worth it!
    Definitely good to know that they’re not baiting/switching.

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