By: Revanche

Random Ramblings

November 4, 2006

It’s Saturday. Finally finally finally Saturday!! A bit spendier than I had expected it to be, but since I didn’t complete all my errands, it’s goin to be spendier still, by tomorrow evening.

I was really looking forward to this weekend because it was to be a get-a-lot-of-work-done weekend. I was going to get the oil changed in my car [way overdue], a haircut [also way overdue], and get a LOT of work done [yep, also overdue]. Sunday was going to be laundry and lounge day. This is what really happened:

Being the hibernatory bear that I am, I slept right through my 7am alarm and did NOT get out the door in time to be the first person in line at my car dealership. I hate having to wait two hours for an oil change on a weekend so my battle plan was to hit the dealership before anyone else and then scoot two counties over for my haircut. But I didn’t get up until 9, so I thought I’d just have to try again early Sunday morning.

[$12] Sadly, it was my 8th cut, and you know what that means: Buy 7 cuts, get your bangs screwed up for free!! The overweening confidence of Jacob, my erstwhile, one-month’s experience on the floor stylist-to-be led him to judge that my Asian hair could be chopped with one snip o’ the scissors to get the bangs I’d asked for. Nope, nope, nope. My bangs promptly protruded in two thick tufts from my forehead, blending with my already ungroomed eyebrows to form a hideous Groucho Marx imitation. His quick solution was? A flatiron!! That actually made it worse. *sigh* And I had to keep HIM calm. How fair is that? Oh well, I [quietly, because I couldn’t hurt Jacob’s already fragile ego] pled with the instructor for quick release from 10-year-old-asian-girl-bangs-hell and she managed to cover up most of it and they waxed the rest.

[$0] I gave in on the way home from haircut hell and stopped at the car dealership: I didn’t want to wait two hours but I wanted to wake up at 8am and drive all the way back out again Sunday morning even less. So, I spent two hours sitting at the car dealership doing some work while I waited for my oil change. I’m not sure if he intended to sell me a car or hit on me, but in the last 20 minutes a salesman brought me a bottle of water and showed me to the Snack Shack where they give away free hot dogs, water, soda and chips. My car was ready just in time for me not to find out what he really wanted. 🙂 Then the service guy told me that I need new brakes, new rotors, a new fan belt cause I only had one [uh, I thought I only needed one? I don’t know, time for me learn car maintenance again….], and that the rotors alone would probably cost about $420. *bigger sigh*

[$11] Groucho time was fun and all, but it pretty much convinced me not to try to wait another two weeks to have my eyebrows taken care of.

[$11] The grocery store yielded chicken and apples today: Banquet has a TMF on their Honey BBQ chicken which I will happily try for free and Tyson sent me a Free Chick’n’Easy product coupon some time ago, so I picked up some chicken strips. I’m going to have chicken for lunch all week! And apples. And bananas. Yum!

And I managed to round up a couple of the girls for dinner plans tonight at Bombay Bistro [I’m never sure what $-$$ really equates, but it should be affordable, split between three gals].

And now that it’s five pm and my choices are to cram 2 hours of work in and give myself a bigger headache or just … rest. My automatic reaction is to push myself until I collapse and just can’t do anything else, but this may be a good time to evaluate the kinds of decisions I make that may promote financial health while neglecting my actual health. I still have all of tomorrow and I can’t look at it as not being able to afford to work less overtime so much as I can’t afford NOT to recharge my batteries and REST.

Oh, and? $23 was totally worth it not to look like THIS anymore:

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