By: Revanche

Tweens turning into teens too early?

November 25, 2006

I read an article about how ten year olds are starting to dress, talk, and act like the typical teenagers, but far too early, and how physical development almost forces the rapid progression despite the slower mental and emotional development. I’d link to the article but it was hours ago and I’ve sort of forgotten where it was from.

It DID remind me of an oddly disquieting conversation I had with our secretary touting the cleverness of her 5th grade daughter (that puts her right about where? Ten years old?):

Mom: So-and-so asked me for your Christmas list.
Daughter: Oh! That’s EASY! Gift cards, gift cards, gift cards.
And the list is easy too! Bloomies, Target, Macys, etc. etc. etc.

Whoo! I mean, I know that she’s a single mom who’s proud of raising her kids on her own and she can be the ultimate bargain shopper and is somehow able to treat her daughter and herself to many things that they want that I couldn’t possibly splurge on [this is the person who insists that my financial picture can always afford to spend $50/month on myself even though all she knows is that I take care of my parents] … but that just gave me a chill. I suppose there’s no harm in that sort of mentality when you’re the favorite niece of a rich bachelor uncle and you have high career aspirations … but I still feel like that sets a poor precedent. Maybe I’ve just forgotten what it’s like to be a kid.

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