By: Revanche

Last-minute Christmas Gift Challenge

December 17, 2006

I’ll post the results of the San Diego Getaway challenge when I get back next week (Dimes may very well be right…).

The friends’ gift exchange challenge, however, has been met and I have emerged victorious!! Yeah, that’s dramatic but consider the challenge: Brainstorm, find and purchase a gift(s) spending $50 or less by December 27th. BUT the bonus is that the invitations to the gift exchange were mailed out last week and I still haven’t received mine. The invites contained the mail-it-to-your-gifter wish list, which means I haven’t even mailed out my wish list to whichever poor sap is supposed to get my present(s) by the due date. Luckily, I wheedled my giftee’s name from my friend and dashed off to Amazon to hunt down my targets. I didn’t get exactly what I wanted for her, but I did come close. 2 DVD sets: Harvey Birdman Vol 1, and Venture Bros. Vol 1 (going for about $60 in stores), for $12 including standard shipping. I used my gift certificate because not spending money out of pocket took precedence over getting myself something.

They’re both new and are scheduled to arrive on my doorstep before Christmas so I’ll have plenty of wrapping time. I think that makes me a bargain-shoppin’ winner and not just a cheapskate.

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