By: Revanche

Meet the DuckyPuppies

January 3, 2007

BigPuppy doesn’t like her picture taken, but she’ll do it if Mom makes her. Reaaaallly makes her with disapproving noises and scolds. LittlePuppy wanted me to know that he was entirely disinterested. He posed for the photos in his younger days, but no more. Anyway, these are my furry little medical expenses =)

3 Responses to “Meet the DuckyPuppies”

  1. Anonymous says:

    So cute! I really want a dog…

  2. Anonymous says:

    I used to live in this group house with two toy sized poodles. I missed walking the little tikes, and watching tv with them. Now I miss my doggies šŸ™

  3. The DuckyPuppies thank you both, they do feel quite cute. Life without doggies would be very drab.

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