By: Revanche

Blog feeds: good for readers, bad for bloggers?

March 15, 2007

A few weeks back I finally tried out Bloglines and as a reader, I love it for the convenience of knowing when someone has updated. As a blogger, though, I wonder if the convenience of Bloglines or any other blog aggregator has any negative effect on the responses from the readers? I’ve a small handful of subscribers (yay!) but I don’t know how long you’ve been subscribers and if that encourages you to drop by more often or speak up less? Do you find that you comment more or less when you use a feed aggregator? Have you experienced a drop or increase in dialogue on your blogs?

3 Responses to “Blog feeds: good for readers, bad for bloggers?”

  1. MoneyDummy says:

    Pretty much the only way I read blogs is through bloglines, period. Ironically, when a feed includes only the first lines of the post, which is probably intended to be a teaser and draw more readers to the blog, I almost NEVER click through to read the whole post. However, it’s very common for me to read a post on bloglines and then click through to read other posts, comment, or see pictures in context. I think a lot of other readers are the same way.
    As a blogger, I don’t have any clue about whether it brings more or fewer page views because I don’t track that kind of thing at all. LOL.

  2. mOOm says:

    I’m using Google Reader now and yes I end up reading and making fewer comments.

  3. ~MoneyDummy~ Good to know, I wondered how readers felt about the “summary only” posts as I saw SingleMa had that. (I realize that was because of the plagiarism fiasco a while ago.)

    ~moom~ I thought I hadn’t heard from you in a while!

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