By: Revanche

A fair trade?

June 26, 2007

BoyDucky’s rolled out his best offer, take it or leave it, in a bid to gain my consent on the car he’d like in a few years: The Honda Element SC. (bleech!)

In his attempt to woo/win me over, he’s offered FIVE CUTE PUPPIES.



What do you think of that? Are five whole puppies cute enough to balance out the decided UNcuteness of that hideous boxcar? On one hand, they are distinctly, overwhelmingly cute. On the other hand, that car is ridiculously not cute. Pro, They’re REALLY cute. Con, I’m not crazy. I can’t handle five puppies. Pro, Puppy breath. Con, having to look at that car everyday. Pro, I have puppy fever and this would hit the spot. Con(s), one bedroom apartment, drive ’til the wheels fall off mentality, he might possibly have been thinking of stuffed Gund puppies.

The jury is still out …. but at least we show the spirit of compromise! 🙂

3 Responses to “A fair trade?”

  1. I think you should take the puppies. That way, you get what you want, and BoyDucky learns a lesson the hard way about buying ugly cars and having to keep them forever.

  2. ~Bart~ Hah, I know you’re right about that! He *will* keep that dang thing forever.

  3. They are soo adorable! I love puppies – my first dog as a child started out as a puppy – we brought him home in one of those top ramen boxes you’d get from Costco and with a blanket – she was the most adorable and best dog I had. But puppies are soo much work at that age. They’ll chew and tear your stuff apart. You can never have anything nice – it’ll just become a mess.

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