By: Revanche

Hallalujah, welcome to PF!

June 18, 2007

My friend, she of the recent elopement, has also bitten a bullet recently. Since her wedding, she’s begun to seriously listen to finance advice and become involved in the mystical world of personal finance.

Until now, she’s had the good fortune to be parentally-funded for some portions of school, and living expenses, and self-funded for the rest of her wants and needs (ie: travel, internships, living on her own, etc.) She’s not, now, financially up a creek, but she and her hubby are integrating finances and live on a real live budget which is completely foreign to her. If anything, she used The Force. She could afford to as a young single professional woman. There wasn’t any real need to deny herself, and the alternative was always the terrible example I’d set of working too much, and denying yourself. Yes, you turn into ME. 😉

Thankfully, her hubby has been budgeting for himself as a member of the military for a good number of years, and has a good savings plan set up so now it’s really a matter of “training” one another. Ok, it’s a matter of training her, but she’s up for the challenge and I introduced her to my pets this weekend: Yodlee and PearBudget. Thanks to GoogleDocs, she’ll be able to share the budgeting tools with her hubby (still currently long distance). My friends are growing up and I’m so proud of them!

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