By: Revanche

Ow, is it time for new sunblock?

June 23, 2007

My friends and I spent a rather pleasant afternoon by the pool today. We tried to avoid prime sunburn hours, especially for the ultra-whities among us, by having lunch first and then sitting mostly clothed with our legs in the unheated spa. Despite the liberal use of sunblock at least 30 minutes before I went outside, I still managed to get a little burned.

I used this ridiculously expensive bottle of Aloe Up bought from the hotel gift shop during our business retreat back in … er, February? I had neglected to bring any sunscreen outside of my usual facial moisturizer sunscreen, and we were scheduled for a hike in the Tucson desert, so I let the office buy me a nice 7 ounce bottle of this “Enriched Aloe Spa Formula” which is touted as an “Aloe based Ultra High Sunscreen, SPF 30.” It’s what they call a dry lotion formula that’s sweat resistant, hypoallergenic, non-comodogenic, and biodegradable. I’m not sure why exactly it had to be biodegradable, but there you go. Anyhow, the back of the bottle says it’s sweat resistant, very water resistant (MUCH better than the merely water resistant) and “Formulated for athletes who spend hoursi n the sun, water, wind or snow. With antioxidants.” I looked hard for the “Cures cancer, gout and other miscellaneous ills” but didn’t find it. Yep, it sounded like a bunch of hooey when all I was looking for was effective sun protection.

So, despite the non-greasiness, the moderate lack of that weird sunscreen smell, and the SPF 30, I still got Roasty-Toasty! *sigh* Actually, it’s weird because I’ve only gotten sunburned a couple times before this. Either my skin’s gotten more sensitive as I get older, or it’s time for new sunscreen! Still, the expiration date is 02-22-09, it seems a little soon to require replacing, doesn’t it?

One Response to “Ow, is it time for new sunblock?”

  1. Wanda says:

    Get something with Mexroyl. It’s recently approved in the US and is the most effective ingredient against UVB rays (I think SPF only applies to UVA rays… or maybe I switched it around). Some brands w/ Mexroyl are Anthelios, Ombrelle, Vichy. They can be expensive (I think Ombrelle is the cheapest I’ve found, $15 incl. shipping for 4 oz.)

    I don’t use sunscreen religiously (though I should), but I’m getting better. Have fun on your trip!

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