By: Revanche

Those Wedding Bells are breaking up that old gang (and budget) of mine

June 8, 2007

So it begins. Sure, it started with an unexpected elopement, but real wedding plans are beginning to surface for the first of my dozen closest high school friends. Since we’ve only managed to pair off one pair of friends within the group as a couple to reduce the number of weddings we’re going to have, that’s left 11 weddings on the forseeable horizon. We’ve even plotted out the pairings, assigned prospective years to each couple, and charted the bridesmaid rotations — we’re (organizational) geeks. The goal is to spread out the weddings so we don’t have more than one a year, and so we don’t have to attend a batch of weddings each summer and shiver in the winter cold, broke and sad.

Now that that’s out of the way, it’s past time to start saving up for the merry-go-round of wedding gifts and dresses. Or maybe I can get one nice dress to serve as my all purpose wedding-attending dress! Is that too cheap?? šŸ™‚

Seriously, though, these are all close friends so I should expect to spend roughly, on average, $200-600 per wedding, whether it’s for a gift, clothing, travel + lodgings or any combination thereof. A small part of me hopes that almost everyone gets married here in California. While it’d be great fun to attend a wedding in New York, weddings – plural – could be a budgetary disasater. My wallet cringes as I’m sure we won’t be able to cram everyone into a friend’s apartment for free. Two to four freeloaders? That’s fine. 20? Eee…. probably not.

4 Responses to “Those Wedding Bells are breaking up that old gang (and budget) of mine”

  1. sabrina says:

    One a year? You mean Couple #11 has to wait 11 years for their wedding??!! More likely, there will be a flurry in the next two or three years, and then you can relax. (Hope you and BoyDucky draw a low number!)

  2. Oh no worries, the current afraid-of-commitment singles are scheduled at the far end of 11 years. We’ve got … three of those? Those with current serious boyfriends are early and those with school to finish first are in the middle. I think we drew 2011. šŸ™‚

  3. MoneyDummy says:

    LOL. Picturing you and your friends planning the dates of each other’s wedding cracks me up.

    Such a blessing to have such a large, close group of friends!

  4. ~MoneyDummy~ Yeah, they’re really a good bunch of friends. You know you’ve got keepers when three or four of you guys can sit on the floor of a bookstore, poring over our little charts and discussing everyone’s commitment levels and be highly accurate!

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