By: Revanche

Laundry woes: is liquid detergent the way to go?

December 12, 2007

That’s IT. This sweater is the last sweater whose festooning with bitty bits of detergent crumbs I will tolerate. Every single time I have a load of laundry containing either black clothing or knits, one item comes out of the washer covered in white speckles. And the rotten thing of it is, multiple items go in, and only one random victim of detergent dandruff comes out.

Should I be using liquid detergents instead? I don’t have so much clothing that I can separate lights and darks, AND by material. If so, I’d better start looking for good deals because detergents are rather pricey.

7 Responses to “Laundry woes: is liquid detergent the way to go?”

  1. E.C. says:

    I’ve switched to liquid, and it is a bit more expensive, but it’s worth it to not have to re-rinse things to get rid of the undissolved detergent. Personally, I like the unscented, dye free All. It seems to go on sale a lot, and there are frequently coupons in the paper for the new ultra-concentrated kind they’re promoting. If you shop wisely, it’s a fairly good bargain.

  2. Athena says:

    I use about half the detergent you’re supposed to, and make sure it’s mixed in with the water (dissolved, pretty much) before adding clothes. Same with the dishwasher. I’ve not noticed a difference in cleanliness at all since I started doing that this summer.

    If it’s always the same fabrics, you might want to wash them by hand with woolite, though.

    I hope things are getting better for you. All the best.

  3. I swear by Tide Powder, but you have to make sure you put it in the washer first, let it dissolve and make sure you don’t overstuff the macnine. Must be a laundry posting day-I did a post on laundry too.

  4. Kacie says:

    Here’s a tip I saw on another blog that might work for you:

    Take a jar, measure your powdered detergent and put it in it. Put in some warm water.

    Close the jar. SHAKE!!!

    It should dissolve the powder, then just pour it into your load.

  5. ~E.C.~ I’ll put that on my next coupons/shopping list. I stopped using All Powder because I noticed this problem with that powder first and blamed All for it.

    ~Athena~ I usually dump the detergent in the water as it’s filling, and before the clothes go in. Perhaps I’m not waiting long enough to add the clothes.
    Thanks for stopping by!

    ~bouncing back~ Right, minimize load as well. Welcome!

    ~kacie~ Ok, I’ll try your tip first, then go up the list. With any luck, I don’t have to go too far. šŸ™‚

    Thanks everyone!

  6. Angie says:

    I get the All & Mighty (concentrated) liquid at Big Lots for $3.50. Works like a charm, and you get lots of loads for a small bottle.

  7. I’m with Angie. I buy that super concentrated stuff, and I use half of what’s recommended.

    You don’t need much soap to get your clothes clean…

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