By: Revanche

And … bye bye $16,262

January 26, 2008

’tis the passing of an era.

We’ve finally come up on the end of the year for the doomed-by-a-loan 0% BT. The money I worked so hard to hoard in anticipation of this moment is on its way, via a Citibank transfer, to close out that ill-fated transaction.

I have thirty dollars and fifty cents left from interest payments to show for it all.

Since money from my high interest savings account was just defraying the overall cost of the loan, I’m glad that I’ve closed that chapter in my financial life and am ready to move on. The credit line might be transferred to another card, and I might do another BT for myself, ALL for myself this time. Ahh, freedom from debt, I love it!

4 Responses to “And … bye bye $16,262”

  1. Single Ma says:

    Being debt free is a beautiful thing. Congratulations!!

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  3. Ms. M&P says:

    Congratulations on getting this monkey off your back! You’re a good person for wanting to help your family, but I hope for your sake that they leave your money with YOU from now on šŸ˜‰

  4. David says:

    Wheeeeeee!!! I’m very happy for you!

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