By: Revanche

Muppy Monday: Meet “M”

January 14, 2008

This little girl, M, was supposed to come to work for Show and Tell today, but her new daddy (best friend’s fiance) was suffering from separation anxiety so I’ll just bring her with me tomorrow and Wednesday. Apologies for neglecting the blog, as the wedding draws closer, it’s harder to make free time!

Thank goodness her cuteness makes up for all the pre-wedding stress and jitters.

3 Responses to “Muppy Monday: Meet “M””

  1. What a cutie!! that sounds like fun, bringing her with you šŸ™‚

  2. SavingDiva says:

    How adorable! I want a puppy SO bad!

  3. ~canadian saver~ It was very fun taking her to work. She slept most of the day, though, so everyone was disappointed that she was tough to play with. We’ve decided that she’s either nocturnal or narcoleptic!

    ~saving diva~ She’s a TON of work, though. She gets up every hour to go pee during the night!!

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