By: Revanche

Idle browsing because I haven’t learned my lesson, Nine West

March 20, 2008

I’m not allowed to buy shoes, especially not $60 on sale shoes, but it’s fun to look, now and again. When I was on the Nine West website, I got sucked into the *SALE* link. I may be hesitant to buy from them again, though.

These look like a nice solid pair of work shoes, with a solid heel and cute front with buckles to poke out from under long pants.

I find I’m more into red these days, and have this odd conviction that these shoes will be cuter in person. *shrug* Not $59.99 cute, but cute.

3 Responses to “Idle browsing because I haven’t learned my lesson, Nine West”

  1. And you call ME an enabler.. LOL like the pot calling the kettle black

    Just teasing

    I did like those shoes.. but I just think: If I bought them, where would i wear em? šŸ˜›

  2. Ms. M&P says:

    I like the brown ones for work, but agree with Fab…I try to ask myself if I have something else that would work and then how often I would wear the shoes. Mrs. Micah calls it the prices per wear. That short test usually saves me šŸ˜‰

  3. ~FB~ LOL. You, ma’am, are far worse.

    Are you talking about the red shoes that you don’t have a use for?

    ~Ms. M&P~ CPW is very important, true, but I’m on the perpetual hunt for the shoes that will not mash my feet into oblivion after 8-10 hours … hope springs eternal that such a shoe exists! šŸ™‚

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