By: Revanche

Happy Friday and thanks for the traffic!

April 18, 2008

Oy, it’s gorg-eous outside and I’m sleepy!

I’d like to thank the top five blogs for linking to or sending the most traffic my way over the past month:

1. Sense to Dollars This lucky gal’s on her way to New Zealand!
2. Wanda from Well-Heeled, with a Mission And THIS lucky gal’s planning a trip to Hawaii!
3. Saving Diva from Saving For a Home of My Own This lady’s well on her way to buying her own home ….
4. ntbeachnc from Beachgirl’s Budget Blog While this chica’s fast becoming as financially stable as she possibly can before a move.
5. Ms. M&P from My Money and Politics Ms. M&P’s been MIA for a little while now, and I miss her!

These don’t include the last two days, I’m pretty new to Google Analytics and I think I did something bad to it. Whoops!

4 Responses to “Happy Friday and thanks for the traffic!”

  1. SavingDiva says:

    Thanks for the link!

    I used Google Analytics…My stats looked okay…maybe there is something wrong with it…hm…

  2. Sense says:

    Wow, number one! That’s awesome, I’m glad my site gave you so much traffic. Some of it was me…

    i’m not computer savvy, so i never check my stats. i’ll have to look into that.

  3. ntbeachnc says:

    Yeah! This is the 2nd blog where I’ve been in the top 5.

  4. ~savingdiva~ Sure! I think it might just be me because it said I had zero traffic on Thursday AND Friday.

    ~sense~ šŸ™‚ I figured. But you comment, so I know you’re around. It’s still sort of new to me.

    ~ntbeachnc~ Thanks for a bit o’ your trafic!

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