By: Revanche

Like a kid watching the oven ….

April 19, 2008

I’ve applied for my Treasury Direct account, and encountered my first problem. They couldn’t verify my identity. It was all correctly filled out, so I don’t know what the problem really was, but luckily, we have a credit union on my work site, and I was able to walk over there and get a signature guarantee form filled out yesterday. That’s pretty awesome, considering I’m never home during business hours so couldn’t have gotten the bank to do it. And free! I love free help.

The signature guarantee’s on its way, via postal mail, which is a bit aggravating because I don’t know that they’ll send me whatever paperwork I need in time to buy my I bonds.

And now I keep staring at my email, peeking in the window, hoping that the nice folks over there send me an Access key to my brand spankin’ new Treasury Direct account right quick.

2 Responses to “Like a kid watching the oven ….”

  1. Jonathan says:

    My wife just applied for an account, but her identity couldn’t be verified either. I suspect everyone has to jump through this part.

    On my side, I got my secret decoder ring/card today. Talk about security overkill. Hope you get yours in time!

  2. ~jonathan~ Did she receive an error message the first time around, too?

    I’ve got my fingers crossed that they’re on the ball with sending out my cereal box prize!

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