By: Revanche

Microwave math wasted, what to do with $100 BBB gift card?

April 21, 2008

After all that research and ordering a $100 Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card, I came back this weekend to the announcement that PaDucky had happened upon a yard sale where our neighbor was selling a brand new microwave for $30. It had never been used, and looked perfect, so he bought it.

It was a great deal, and I’m glad I don’t have to spend $120 on a microwave, but now … what do I do with a $100 BBB gift card? I never shop there! Drat. I shouldn’t have been so efficient in burning another 10,000 Thank You points.

3 Responses to “Microwave math wasted, what to do with $100 BBB gift card?”

  1. Love love bed bath and beyond. Before you go shopping look around your home and see what you really need, new towels, pots and pans, bathroom decor, cutlery, curtains.

    Once you have decided what you most need, then wait for the next sale. I redeemed my thank you points at got a giftcard to a major department store. Along with $20 off my purchase and every item being on sale, I made out really good.

    Feels good to be spending without really using your own money (cash or credit).

  2. Sense says:

    If you are still moving out of your parent’s house, believe me, there will come a time when you’ll need stuff from bed, bath and beyond…

  3. ~tired of being broke~ In my case, I should just make a list of all the things I won’t be taking with me from this house to the next, and watch out for those sales.

    I will definitely need a few kitchen basics.

    ~sense~ My head’s been in the getting rid of, and not acquiring, mode, as you’ll see. But you’re right. I’m going to need a few things of my own.

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